Thursday, May 30, 2013

Falling in Love
with Roses

North Shore Library
Saturday June, 15th 1p.m.

Betty Gurschke (Rosarian certified by the American Rose Society) will be speaking at the North Shore Library about basic planting and care of roses.  Her talk will cover planting, fertilization, pruning of roses, diseases & pests common to roses, and covering roses for winter.  Betty will also bring along a few roses to show.

Please call the library at (414) 351-3461
or stop by the Reference Desk to register.
If you require special accommodations, notify the

Library Director Richard Nelson at least 72 hours in advance

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tuesday Movie Fest

Tuesday Movie Fest is back at North Shore Library. It starts on June 4th at 6 p.m. The first movie that they are showing is "Stone of Destiny."

Please call the library at (414) 351-3461 or stop by the Reference Desk to register. If you require special accommodations, notify the Library Director Richard Nelson at least 72 hours in advance. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Friends of North Shore Library Annual Meeting

On Wednesday May 29, 2013 at North Shore Library.
Jim Rice, author of "Giant Cheeseheads!: The Giant-Packer Rivalry and the former Giants who helped the Packers become Champions." Jim, a Cedarburg resident, will discuss the 84 year old rivalry between the Giants and the Packers. Giant Cheeseheads, who were the New York Giants players prior to coming to Green Bay, helped lead the Pakcers to greatness.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry Event

Join North Shore Library on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. for an program on UFOs featuring Richard Thieme. Esteemed author and public speaker Richard Thieme will discuss the phenomenon of UFOs and how governments the world over have dealt with sightings, speculation and controversy.